
Menampilkan postingan dari 2009

WiMAX Femtocell System Architecture

So what does it take to build a WiMAX Femtocell solution? WiMAX Femtocell can be visualized as a scaled down version of WiMAX macro-cell solution. In addition to the capabilities of a WiMAX macro-cell, other required features of a WiMAX Femtocell are the following: • Spectrum : WFAP operates over licensed spectrum using standard WiMAX wireless air interface and protocol. • Form factor : WFAP can be standalone (similar to WiFi access points) or integrated with DSL or cable modems. • Transport : WFAP uses transport network of subscribers’ DSL, FTTH or cable-based broadband connection. • User Capacity : Since WFAP is deployed inside a building; a WFAP needs to support at least 5-6 subscribers. • Power Output : With a range of roughly 10 meters, power output should be kept very low, no more than a 2.4 GHz WiFi product. • Deployment Support : Operating in a licensed spectrum a WFAP may face interference from neighboring base stations (femto or macro). Therefore, a WFAP should have the

Circuit Shop 2.04

Circuit Shop allows you to design, simulate and learn about digital and analog electronic circuits. Circuit Shop is an easy to use graphical CAD tool to allow simple digital and analog electronic circuits to be constructed and analyzed. -Drawing tools to construct any electronic circuit schematics, digital & analog devices, such as ICs, logic gates, flip-flops, op amps, dependent sources, transistors, resistors, batteries, etc. -A tutorial which teaches basic analog and digital electronic concepts. -Digital circuit design and analysis capability using digital sources, logic gates, flip-flops, timers, sequence generators, digital displays, ICs and digital oscilloscopes. -Analog circuit design and simulation capability to perform DC analysis and sinusoidal steady state analysis and frequency response. Frequency response includes magnitude, Bode, phase, dB and group delay plots. -Custom symbol support.A simple paint toolkit allows text, lines, ovals and rectangles to be added as circu


Saya rasa tidak ada orang yang ingin dilahirkan jadi orang jelek karena semua ingin lahir dengan rupa yang baik dan setelah besar tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi orang yang cakep yaitu kalau laki-laki itu ganteng dan kalau perempuan itu cantik. Tapi apa mau dikata kita tidak bisa memilih dan penampilan merupakan anugerah dari Sang Maha Kuasa. Sebenarnya orang yang memiliki wajah atau penampilan yang relatif jelek itu tidak selalu tidak membawa berkah karena semua ada hikmah atau keunggulan tertentu yang belum tentu bisa diraih oleh orang yang berpenampilan relatif baik. Diantaranya yaitu : 1. Tidak Banyak Gangguan Untuk Mengembangkan Diri Orang yang berwajah jelek dan biasa saja punya banyak waktu luang untuk pengembangan diri karena tidak banyak gangguan dengan pacaran, dikejar penggemar, digoda lawan jenis, ditawari jadi foto model, kerja part time yang mengumbar kelebihan fisik, dan berbagai gangguan lain akibat keunggulan fisik. Terdapat waktu banyak untuk belajar dan berkarir labih

All About One Piece Download

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Free Download Michael Jackson - ThiS IS IT (2009)

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Favorite Greasemonkey for facebook only

Warning: Only install Userscripts that you trust. Userscripts and Firefox Greasemonkey is an extension for Mozilla Firefox, an open source Web Browser. Most userscripts are written for Firefox & Greasemonkey (although some work in Opera, Safari and even Internet Explorer). For this guide I will assume you are using Firefox, if not you should install Firefox first. Userscripts run via Greasemonkey Now that you have Firefox, you need to install Greasemonkey . After installation (which requires restarting your browser), you are now ready to install userscripts. Now clicking on a .user.js link triggers Greasemonkey to pop up the script installation panel. Greasemonkey shows you a list of what sites the script will run on and ask if you want to install the script. Now loading a web page results in additional code (the userscript) being run. AutoHeal for Mafia Wars on FaceBook

Cara Menyalakan / Mengaktifkan / Aktivasi Jaringan GPRS GSM pada Simpati, Kartu As dan Kartu Halo Telkomsel - Operator Seluler

GPRS adalah general pocket radio service, salah satu fitur data transfer dari penyedia jaringan seluler yang memungkinkan anda untuk berselancar di dunia maya tanpa harus menggunakan kabel dan alat piranti keras lainnya. Cukup dengan telepon selular yang anda miliki anda bisa langsung terkoneksi ke dunia maya dengan melakukan setting pengaktifan terlebih dahulu tentunya. Syarat Pengaktifan dan Penggunaan GPRS - Menggunakan handset / hp yang bisa gprs - Ada software browser html / wap pada ponsel anda atau di koputer pc atau laptop jika anda menyambungkannya ke komputer. - Kartu anda dalam keadaan aktif tidak tenggang atau grace period. - Bagi simpati memiliki sisa pulsa minimal Rp. 500,- - Berada di wilayah yang dijangkau fitur GPRS A. Langkah / Tahap Aktifasi GPRS pada Kartu Halo 1. Mengirim SMS ke 6616 dengan pesan sebagai berikut : Ketik : GPRS Keterangan : Dikenakan tarif Rp 250 sekali kirim 2. 2 Kali Mendapatkan SMS Konfirmasi dari Server Telkomsel Tunggu beberapa saat,

Download The Girl at Next Door- HQ

The girl at next door story : In the tradition of RISKY BUSINESS and AMERICAN PIE comes THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, a sex-soaked teen comedy that actually has a heart. High school graduation is nearing for senior class president Mat . .READ MORE IN rotten Download :- Just copy and paste below URL :

Girl Next Door

Selama ini rasa itu tak pernah muncul dalam hidupku tapi akhir-akhir ini aku melihat perbedaan aku pikir menemukan satu hal yang sangat kau pedulikan tentang satu hal yang penting melebihi apapun di dunia saat kau menemukannya kau bertarung untuknya. kau mengambil resiko, kau meletakkannya di atas segalanya ,masa depanmu, hidupmu,semuannya mungkin sesuatu untuk membantunya tidaklah bersih kau tau itu tidaklah penting... karena di hatimu, kau tahu "karena jus berhasil di peras" hatimu akan bersama denganku.

Google Hacker's

Gambar Many sites have collapsed, passwords and numbers - credit card numbers stolen from the behavior of people who used to menyalahgunaan ability, it's easy dilakukan.Hanya by typing certain keywords associated with a user name and password, you can harvest hundreds of user passwords via google. But now it seems you should be disappointed if you use the above Do not be sad before because Google has just put out new products, the Google Code Search. (Http:// new threats begin to emerge, "the smart" is now able to crawl up to archive files that are in a public web server directory. Be careful who had a habit to store important information in it (passwords, and other valuable information) should begin now eliminated the habit. Always protect folders sensitive to your site can live longer. if not then there will be people who take advantage of this new product to dredge google sensitive information from the web server. and if it had happ

Knowing and Prevent Phishing

~ In a phishing mail, you will be forced to click a link that asks you to fill out account numbers, passwords, and PIN or other security number. ~ Look, if you use the additional name or not. The original financial institution will know your name, while Phiser not. ~ On the Subject or text on the e-mail stored most sense as "Security", "Date Care", or "exploration of irregulation" ~ E-mail usually contains phrases like "Your account has been blocked", "You have to confirm a new account", "Your credit card has been blocked", or "Your transaction is not valid, over the limit" ~ To ensure that victims, many of the e-mail phishing scams can be seen in the write error, use the wrong letter, or news not from the country of origin, giving conyoh congratulate you become a client of Deutsche Bank. ~ If you frequently receive e-mails the same roughly 10 e-mail, can be categorized e-mail was fake. Prevents Phishing attacks ~ R

How About Poker Games Rules

Poker is a 5-card game. Players are given an opportunity to bet on their hands. The player with the best hand wins. Hands are rated according to the following scale: From best to worst: STRAIGHT FLUSH All 5 cards are in sequential order and the same suit (see Straight and Flush below). 4 OF A KIND 4 cards of the same rank FULL HOUSE 3 cards of the same rank + two cards of the same rank. FLUSH All 5 cards are of the same suit STRAIGHT All 5 cards are in sequential order. Aces can either come before a 2 to start a straight or after a King to end a straight. 3 OF A KIND 3 cards of the same rank 2-PAIR 2 cards of the same rank + 2 cards of the same rank PAIR (2 OF A KIND) 2 cards of the same rank HIGH CARD If you have no other hand, your highest card is your hand. For example: 'high card ace' or 'high card queen' KICKER In any hand that does not use all 5 of the player's cards, the highest leftover card is called the 'kicker'.

Hackers Attack Website PM Australia

Published on: 10th September, 2009, Hackers Attack Website Australian PM | read this item Related News * Prime Minister's Office Bombed * Take 4 Tires Car While Going Along * Chief of Police Review Commission invited SD Australia hackerSekelompok hackers calling themselves anonymous attack pages (sites) official Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, led Wednesday night died of the page a few moments. Australian ABC radio report, said Thursday morning, the attack on computer heker page "" It is a form of protest against the federal government's plans to filter content internet sites. The incident is under investigation attacks the federal government of Australia. The hacker is threatening to attack pages if the government's plans "menfilter" material Internet sites that the government continued. Australian government plans to enforce Internet content filtering system designed to shut down Internet sites that contain information considered of

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About Program: The latest photographic special effects How to fake studio shots (youll be amazed at how its done) The latest cutting-edge type effects The most popular effects used by big movie studios The most-requested advertising effects Commercial effects that clients go crazy over! The most asked-for current Web effects Amazing 3D effects using Photoshop Extended Plus loads of effects that look hard, but are easy once you know the secrets Download